Failed Workers in Network Rendering

When using Network Rendering, some or all of the workers may fail while processing a job. There can be multiple reasons for a Failed Worker. 


  • Network Rendering


After a file causes the workers to fail, they are stuck in pause. 
You can follow the below instructions to reactivate the failed workers:

Reactivating Failed Workers:
Assuming you are signed in on the Monitor as admin or user with the right permissions.
  • Right click the worker that is in the Failed state
  • Choose "Reactivate"
  • The worker should then restart and no longer be in the  "failed" Status


If all the workers have failed, this indicates that there was most likely an issue with the scene itself. To test this, try the following to troubleshoot:
  • Try to render the same scene in KeyShot without Network rendering.
  • Try to Render the same job on one of the Worker machines in KeyShot via the Queue
  • Alternatively try to render it on the submitting machines
  • If it also fails in Queue rendering, the issue is more general and not specific to network rendering

You can open a ticket in a support portal if you have any additional questions regarding this.