Licenses can be borrowed for offline use. The duration for which a license can be borrowed, can be specified in the license file. It is also possible to create an Options file for additional customization.
- KeyShot Licensing Server
Setting BORROW = 0 seems to be ignored by KeyShot and FlexLM and will default to 168 hours (1week).
It is therefore advisable to set BORROW = 1 to the minimum borrow time of one hour.
Since borrowing is enabled by default by the Flexera licence generator, if borrowing needs to be restricted or disabled, a workaround is required with the use of an Options file.
You can create a file named LUXION.opt and place it into the same folder that contains the license which is in the FlexLM License folder
- C:\FlexLM\
- C:\ProgramData\Luxion\License
- MacintoshHD\Applications\LuxionLicenseServer\Contents\License
You can use the following options
- specified the amount of seats that cannot be borrowed
this will exclude 5 KeyShot Pro licenses from being borrowed.
- specified the amount of seats that cannot be borrowed
- specifies the maximum amount of hours that a license can be borrowed. It needs to be lower than the than that specified in the license file for the respective feature
this will limit the borrow time for KeyShot Pro licenses to 1 hour.
- specifies the maximum amount of hours that a license can be borrowed. It needs to be lower than the than that specified in the license file for the respective feature
Additional Resources
- Detailed documentation for the Options file