Floating License Server Change

If you are experiencing issues with your floating license not starting up after moving it to a new server, it may be because you need to update your license file.

Floating License moved won't start up

Please provide us the following to help update and resolve your issue:

1. Your current floating license

2. In addition, we require your HostName and MAC address. Follow the instructions below to obtain this information:

Windows Instructions:

  1. Open the Windows Command Prompt and type ipconfig /all
  2. Press Enter.
  3. Your HostName will be at the very top under your ipconfig /all command.
  4.  Your MAC address is the Physical Address of the connection that is Enabled and Preferred.
  5. Please extract this to a text file and send to us

Macintosh Instructions:

  1. Open the Terminal application and type HostName.
  2. Press Enter.
  3. Your HostName will be displayed under your HostName command.
  4. Now type ifconfig.
  5. Press Enter.
  6. Your MAC address will be shown in the List.
  7. Please extract this to a text file and send to us