How to use smart export options in KeyShot

An outline of how to use smart export options in KeyShot.

A brief overview of how to use the smart export options in KeyShot. The USD, GLB (gLTF), and 3MF are all part of the Smart Export option in KeyShot 10+. This will require certain steps to have the model exported correctly.


  • KeyShot
    • Version 10+


1. UV unwrap > Bake > Package.

UV unwrapping can be accomplished using either the UV unwrapping tool within KeyShot or a similar tool found in most CAD software like (Blender, and Maya).

2. Baking and Packaging: This process will be done in the exporting function when selecting the file type.

When exporting the file selecting the samples and DPI will determine the quality of the exported model

  • Note 1: Selecting higher DPI or high samples depending on the complexity of the model can cause long baking and packaging time. Depending on the device it is being imported to, it may cause instability and crash if the file is too large.
  • Note 2: The gLTF format does not support the following material types: Flat, Thin Film, Translucent, Advanced, Anisotropic, and Gem.

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