How to borrow KeyShot floating license and return the license

The Instructions below are good for either borrowing or returning a floating license to your KeyShot license server.

How to Borrow and Return a Floating Seat

The Instructions below are good for either borrowing or returning a floating license to your KeyShot license server.

How to borrow a license:

  1. Open KeyShot floating client and connect to license server.
  2. Go to top Menu and click
    1. (WindowsHelp > Borrow Floating License
    2. (Macintosh) KeyShot > Borrow Floating Licnese 
  3. Select a return date and click OK.
  4. You will recieve a confirmation message. Click OK.

How to return a borrowed license:

  1. Open KeyShot floating client on the same network as your KeyShot floating license server.
  2. Go to top Menu and click
    1. (Windows) Help > Return Borrowed Floating License 
    2. (Macintosh) KeyShot > Return Borrowed Floating Licnese 
  3. You will receive a confirmation message. Click OK.

The client and server must be connected during the borrowing and returning process.
Extra Instructions: When you are not able to return the floating license because it was after expired date or server was updated while license was borrowed follow this link for help to remove the seat.