The New Move Tool

Introduction to the new Move Tool in version 2024.2

The new Move tool brings some long awaited improvements and quality of life improvements, however we have discovered a few bugs that we are aware of and that need to be ironed out.


  • KeyShot 2024.2

Introducing the New Move Tool

As of version 2024.2 we have a reworked Move Tool which functions slightly different from the previous versions. When activated by right-clicking on Parts or Groups, and selecting to Move them or pressing the shortcut CTRL + D or Cmd + D, the Move Tool will now have nine numerical values.

  • In the Project Window's Scene Tree and Position Tab (on the right in the image below) will have the absolute position of the object in the Scene
  • The edit boxes in the Move Tool are delta values, which specify the change from the old to the current position (no longer the exact position like in the old Move Tool)
  • You can toggle the gizmo between translate, rotate and scale using the keys T, R and S
    • once the gizmo has been toggled, you can lock an axis by pressing X, Y or Z
  • On the top, you can select the transformation(s), Translation, Rotation and Scale by clicking on them.
    In the image, only Translation is selected and thus highlighted in blue
  • When only one Transformation is selected, e.g. only Rotation, clicking on an axis (in this case z) on the left will rotate the selection around that axis
  • Please note that the delta value coordinates might not match the transformation coordinates, depending on if the Axis used are Local or Global and depending on the Transformations of the higher hierarchy, e.g. if the parent Group is rotated, the child's rotation around the global z-axis would affect its y-axis rotation and will be displayed as such.
    The boxes display the local values so it depends on how the object is located in local space
  • This is not possible for multiple Transformations.

Know Issues

Unfortunately there are some new bugs that are not yet resolved in the release version of 2024.2

  • Editing Delta values for multiple selections
    • When multiple Parts or Groups are selected, the edit boxes in the Move Tool become inactive. 
      - KEYS-33025
  • Coping and Pasting in the edit boxes in the Projects Window
    • The position values in the Scene Tree as well as Pivot or Target values of the cameras cannot be copied or pasted - KEYS-33026
  • Incorrect Paths shown in the real-time view
    • With the animation itself being executed correctly, keyframes can show incorrect paths in the real time view, mostly with local axis and is also affected by the Pivot Point Object Axis setting  - KEYS-33027
    • This seems to also happen to Parts within a Group, even though they have no local transformation and only the Group has the animations. This happens when a Part has a local translation within the Group
    • On rare occasions, he curve might change unexpectedly when making a change to the animation strip. Clicking on the same setting again should fix it. - KEYS-33033
  • Disappearing Outline
    • When moving an object, as soon as an gizmo is clicked, the outline disappears.
      It will not reappear no matter what object or group is selected in the Scene Tree, however clicking on an object in the real time view will enable the outline again and it will work as usual.
  • Incorrect direction
    • After some operations, it is possible that the coordinates become misaligned resulting in the object moving e.g. to the left, even though the up-arrow is being dragged.
      This happens when an object is duplicated after it has performed a rotation animation.
      The arrows of the move tool will be aligned according to the evaluation of the animation, but the movement will be along the local axis at the beginning of the animation. - KEYS-33031
      • saving and reloading should fix this as well as just moving to the start of the animation
  • Gizmos lock
    • Sometimes even though the gizmos are moved, the object and the Move Tool itself seems to not react. This might be affected by animation strips - KEYS-33047
      • Simply calling the Move Tool again should fix it
  • Keyframe Values
    • When adjusting the position of an existing keyframe, and moving the timeline, the old value will linger until a keyframe is clicked. - KEYS-33030
  • Keyframe Paths
    • When adding an additional keyframe after some others the path extending to the new keyframe might not be drawn. The animation will play correctly and the path will update after a change changing the easing or clicking on a an previously existing keyframe. - KEYS-33032

Additional Resources
